ResOnline Associate Connect provides access for agencies to build a direct connection to our system.

This solution requires that the agency to poll ResOnline for the latest rates and availability, as well as inject bookings that have been made.

Initial connection fee – AUD2500 plus GST
Ongoing fee – AUD350 plus GST per month



This page describes the process of how an agency can connect to the ResOnline Channel Manager to do the following…

  • Retrieve a list of active rate plan names and IDs for a property
  • Store a copy of ResOnline’s IDs and the property’s ResOnline credentials in your system so you can translate our IDs to yours and visa versa.  This translation will be used when you are fetching data and pushing bookings
  • Retrieve a copy of the following dynamic data for each day up to 720 days
    • Availability
    • Rates
    • Stop Sells
    • Min Length of Stay
    • Inclusions (a description of what is included for each night)
  • Inject bookings to ResOnline.  It is required that the agency queues the sending booking process, and that the booking is queded every 1 minute until successfully inserted.




  • Property must be setup and active in ResOnline
  • Property must have at least 1active rate plans setup in ResOnline



  • Must have been granted access to ResOnline
  • Must have been granted an active channel manager Username and Password (supplied by ResOnline)
  • Must have the following information for the property they are retrieving data for
    • Property ID (referred to as Hotel ID)
    • Property Username
    • Property Password
  • Must code to ResOnline Direct API
  • Messages to be considered, in order:
    • InventoryService->GetRatePackages (Retrieve array of Rate Package Id’s)
    • InventoryService->GetInventory (Retrieve availability, rates, Stop Sell, Min LOS, Inclusions for up to 720 days
    • NotificationService->BookingNotification (To notify ResOnline of new bookings)


Example of Authentication

You must authenticate every message with the below. Please note that you MUST request access details from ResOnline prior to testing.




  1. Using your test property change availability, rates, min nights and stop sell from ResOnline to your OTA connection.
  2. Make a booking on your OTA connection. and send it through to ResOnline. Please check all the booking details and emails are correct and availability has been reduced for the booking in questions
  3. ResOnline would then need to test booking for cancellation (if you are supporting this feature)
  4. For modifications, this would need to be sent to the property to handle or would be a cancellation of the original booking and rebook


Please reach out to ResOnline account manager and cc in ResOnline support to run certification testing with a member of our team prior to going live.


Information Flow

OTA Connection Information Flow

Sample Messages


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=””
xmlns:ns=”” xmlns:ns1=””>


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=””
xmlns:ns=”” xmlns:ns1=””>


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=””
xmlns:ns=”” xmlns:ns1=””
<ns:HolderFullName>Test BookItNow</ns:HolderFullName>